My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, (known to Bronies as MLP:FiM,) has taken the internet by storm. The show has broken the demographic boundaries and blown the animation world's mind. Knowing that there are just as many adult fans as there are children fans the int0rwebz became flooded with, eh hum, "mature" pony content. Among the horrifyingly creepy pron that emerged was the pony alcoholic drink list. ( Larger image HERE. )
"Raspberry Absinth? ICK!" |
As a bartending school drop-out and aspiring alcoholic I was delighted when I discovered this list. Each pony's personality was shown in this carefully constructed drink menu. Being a Pinkie Pie fan myself I thought it would be fun to try the drink created for her. Looking at the ingredients I realized it has two types of vodka, vanilla and cake. Cake flavored vodka is mostly just vanilla. I also saw this is a shot and I'm not the biggest fan of shots. There's also another recipe online that is raspberry flavored and requires 6 ingredients! What am I made of money?!

Being the creative babe that I am, I decided to mix up my own version of a Pinkie Pie cocktail. There are two versions, a martini and a daiquiri, but they are mostly the same. Now, I don't want to gloat too much here, as the recipe is mainly JUST the "Party Animal" one from the chart above, only with just one vodka and in a full cocktail opposed to a shot.
* 2 shots Three Olives Cake vodka
* 1 shot Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream Liquor
* Splash of 2% milk or half & half
Pour into martini shaker with ice and SHAKE HARD for 30 second to 1 minute. When you pour it into your glass you should have a little bit of foam on top so when you add sprinkles they will sit on the foam.
One time I had a friend over and offered her a drink. I decided to whip up a couple of Pinkie Pie martinis, but as I was pouring all the ingredients together I realized I was out of the Tequila Rose Strawberry Liquor. I had to think fast, because I already had the ice, vodka, and milk in the shaker. So, I dumped it all into my blender and added a fist full of strawberries. It was less potent and the strawberry seeds are a tad unattractive, but hey, I just made a Pinkie Pie daiquiri! Next time I make it I will put it in a daiquiri glass with sugar and/or sprinkles on the rim.
Pinkie Pie says "Please drink responsibly, everypony." |
There's a gamer nerd site out there called The Drunken Moogle that has literally HUNDREDS of video game inspired drink recipes. It's fan-effing-tastic! I'd also like to mention two MLP drinking games. This one is more of the "take a drink when . . ." type of game, and this one requires dice and pieces and apparently partial nudity. If you play leave comments to let me know how it went!
I adore Pinkie Pie, but I love all the other ponies almost as much. If MLP:FiM inspired you to create your own more affordable drink recipe please feel free to post! I'd be excited to try it!