Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Constructing a Kid Danger Costume

     Last Halloween I began selling Henry Danger patches at my Etsy shop. The response was overwhelming! So many of you and your kids love this show!  

     I wish I had time to make the full costume for everyone who wants one, but unfortunately I have a full time job on top of my Etsy shop. I did cyber-assist someone else in creating their own last year. I want to help you all and get as many Kid Dangers out there as possible! So, I cut and pasted those instructions below.
I hope this helps everyone.   =)

Good luck and Happy Halloween!



First things first, looks like you'll need at least 2 patches, but if you're going all out you will need 4. One for the vest and one for the belt buckle, then maybe one for each boot like the Converse logo.                                            
If you need these please email me at laurelinski@gmail.com and I will see what I can do to help. 

If you don't feel like making a belt buckle out of aluminum foil and cardboard, (which is totally do-able,) I found one you can just buy HERE.

Next, red cargo pants. Here's a few links to what I could find easily:

If none of these work you can always Google Shopping search for white cargo pants and dye them. Let me know if you do this and I can walk you through the easy way to dye fabric.

Ok, blue spandex-y shirt. Looks like a Champs Under Armour shirt would do the trick. There's no zipper on the front, though. If you're super handy and have time it would be easy enough to install one just for looks on top of the shirt.

Red gloves - I'm thinking just find some red motorcycle gloves, or even gardening gloves? Red is red and besides, if I remember anything from when I was a kid I'll bet they end up off  your kid's hands and in the trick-or-treat bag within 10 minutes.

You can't be a super hero or a super side-kick without a mask! Michael's arts and crafts carries make-your-own-mask kits with plain, white masks. I doubt you'll be able to find one the same shape as Henry's, but if you find one large enough you can cut it! Then paint it using the paint recommended on the package.

Utility belt/accessories: Three words - Army Supply Store. They gotcha covered.

As for the shoes, they're just black army boots. If your child already has something like this in their wardrobe you can pop some red electrical or duct tape on them and you're done. I did that on a pair of shoes for a costume I wore recently and it worked out perfectly. 

Ok, I saved the hardest part for last. The vest and arm bands. I'm afraid some sewing may have to happen here. The pattern looks easy enough to just mock up. When looking at fabrics Joann's has stiff silver stuff, I think. If you want to go super no-sew, this may sound weird, but you can take some cardboard, cut the shape of the front, sides, and back of the vest, and use silver duct tape to shape the vest. Haha! It sounds funny, but it would totally work and look pretty good! 

For the detail I'd use puffy fabric paint because it's easy to use to draw. The arm bands are easy if you can sew. Ya know, just make a tube, lol. I'd use super stretchy fabric for this so you can just slip it onto your child's arms and they will be very comfortable and stay on through trick or treating.


Good luck and God speed! If and of you need anything else please feel free to message me via my Etsy shop. I'm totally here to help! I would love to see what your work as well! Please feel free to post photos of the finished project on 8-Bit Spock's Facebook page or you may also Tweet me or Instagram me at @8BitSpock.

AND if you love the show as much as I do you'd totally enjoy the Henry Danger Motion Comic found on YouTube. Super cute. lol   ;)